Good Health Is King

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Nothing Wrong In Failing

There is nothing wrong in failing, because no ever succeed without trying.  Even if you fail a hundred times over, every time you try you get better at what you are doing.  It's failing to learn from your mistakes that will hurt you the most.  Find those who have made it seek their advice they will save you from a lot of pain and error.  But if you are doing something new, be the first to break on through.  Don't forget to tell others on how it was done, failing and achieving is what makes it fun.

Plan Your Life

Plan your life or other will plan it for you.  Live to love and love to live.  Don't let world pass you by, go out and live and celebrate.  There are places to go, people to meet and things to do.  Plan each day take control of your life.  Don't just let things happen but learn to make things happen.  Be in charge of things you let in, never allow bitterness to over come you.  Life is full of ups and down and it matters how you react that can cause you to stop or slow down.  Don't go through life doing nothing but work. Because when you look back it will only hurt.  Know your purpose and live it.


Time once it is gone you can never get it back.  So make every second of your life count for something.  How much do you value your time, how much of your time is spent at work or doing something that your really don't want to do.  Do you spend too much time being angry and mad at someone or something.  As you know we can be here today and gone tomorrow.  Time keeps on ticking, each moment you breath is one less second than you had before.  Why go through life never learning to live, as we continue to take but never to give. Take a look around you and realize that you only have one life.  Love those around you tell them you care, before you realize that you're no longer there.  Let your pass be your pass and learn from it, as you move to the future.  When time run out what will you have accomplished with the time that you had.


Is it just me or does anyone else notice that our government is getting bigger and bigger.  Does anyone else realize that the more power and control we give them the less we have as individuals.  Political leaders have gotten full of them self and they no longer work for us, but we find our self working for them.  Now I know that government does play a role in our lives.  But they have the mind set that they know more better than we do on how we should live our life.  I served my country but whats going on now is greater than most people realize.  They are now telling us what we should eat, what we can and can't do.  A power left unchecked for so long has created a world of division.  People wake up and see what is going on in America before its too late. Freedom is under attack.  Get involved and understand whats at risk stand up or be ran over. Remind the Government that work for us and they represent us and not themselves. 

Read With A Smile

Read with a smile no matter what it may be, let the joy of life keep you free.  Read with a smile both the good and the bad, read with a smile happy not sad.  There things in life that will try to bring down, but just keep on moving don't make a sound.  Don't worry about the things that you can't change, it will only hold you up. Keep reading with a smile you can never get enough. In other words never let the things in life throw you off, it's through the hard times that we learn and gain strength and understanding.  Every weight lifter must through of more pounds in order to get stronger.  You have to go through some things but it is only helping you to get better.  So relax take it easy everything will work out fine endure after its all over just smile.

After I'm Gone

Well I woke up early this morning and a few thoughts came to my mind, but this one stood out.  After I'm gone what then.  When I have taken my last breath and the world fade away, what then. Does the world keep on going or does everything stop.  After I'm gone what happen to those I have left behind.  Life goes on, and what we do day after day is so important.  Should we live each day as if there is no tomorrow and embrace and love those we call family and friends.  After I'm gone who would really care or even notice that I have left.  Life is short and we only get to live it a short while so enjoy those who you love, even those you don't know yet.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Well I would like to ask some questions first, to see what are your thoughts on love.  What is love?  Is it based more on emotions and feelings or is it something more?.  I believe today many people do not understand love or the concept of love.  What does it mean when you love someone?.  This is just something for us to think about and do people really love in the way that they should love. And when you love someone is more about yourself or is it more about the person you love?