Good Health Is King

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Life

What value do our lives hold, what will we have accomplish in our life time.  What goals have we set and after it's all said and done, what will our life have meant.  Our life is precious and we only live for a short while, and we must understand what life is really about. 

Yes God create everything we see, and  did it for good reason, but we have taken it  and tried to make it our own.  We have taken life for granted and in the process, we have failed to maintain a relationship with our Lord.  We have placed more value on our life thinking that its all about us. 

The more we try to live without him, the worst off we become, although you may have all that this world calls good, we will have missed the best which is him. In out quest to gain the world we are loosing our soul, because we think our life is what really matters.

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