Good Health Is King

Friday, December 21, 2012

What's going on

What's going on in the world today?  We are in the Christmas season everyone is going about trying figure out what to buy for whoever.  In sports shooting, DUI, and in our public schools shooting as well.  I read article after article about someone attacking Christmas, people protesting to take this and that down.  So how do you take it all in at the end of the day?  Well a nice hot cup of coffee or tea and allow the Lord to give us an understanding.  I truly believe that all things happen for a reason, and us being human can't seem to grasp how and why, but this is the world we live in.  Making the right decision is not easy and some people have it much harder than others when it comes to making the right choice.  Just about everything you say today can offend people.  We have become so caught up in PC this and that, and no matter how hard you try someone is looking for something to start something up.  But stay cool, drink coffee, read a good book, and the book of choice is the bible with a nice cup of coffee or tea. 

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