Good Health Is King

Thursday, May 12, 2016


As to being one who lives for and follows our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is not our assignment to condemn anyone to hell.  The word says he that wins souls is wise.  None of us have the power nor the keys to put anyone anywhere.  Our part is to love and pray for each other as well as our enemy.  It is the sin in all of us that causes us to do wrong.  Even the worst among us can be forgiven.  As believers we are suppose to hate the sin not the person,  after all were we not in the same condition before we gave our lives to the Lord.  God has no respect of person, so who are we to be any different? Since Jesus died for everyone how can we think that it is up to us to determine who goes or don't go to heaven?  Is it not His will that any should perish?.  Can any of us know the beginning to the end, do any of us have all seeing eyes, do any of us control time.  There is only one God who has all power and He is the one that is in control.  We must only do what He have commanded us to do nothing more nothing less.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Change Your Life Kyani

What Money Can Do

With money it can allow people to do and buy many things?  But there are things that money can't buy.  Love and happiness, now it may get you or buy you something that looks and acts like love and happiness, but the question you have to ask yourself is it true love and happiness.  Now some will say that type of love and happiness is just as great and can live with it.  But for those who desire to have the real deal and nothing but real love and happiness look a likes wont do.  But money does make paying bills or buying things more easy. Having a lot of money frees you from having to worry if you have enough to buy a good meal after you done paid all your other bills.  The only one that is more satisfying than money is Jesus.  Nothing in this world can ever take His place, but some folks will try and prove this wrong and I say go right ahead and try.  But as for me and others we know and believe that nothing else can compare.  But God gives us the ability to have wealth, so folks choose to not have wealth, they are happy with what they have and that is fine, as long as they are not having to live pay check to pay, week after week month after month year after year.  If you are living this way and looking for a change, your change is here. click this link and start letting your money work for you.  Http://

Health And Wealth

Health and wealth, what do these two things have to do with each other?  Well a lot more than you think.  Say you have good health but no wealth, you are limited to the things you can do or can't do.  If you have wealth and bad health, you will only be able to enjoy the things you can do, because your poor health limits you on what you can and can't do.  So the goal is to have good health and wealth and have no limits on the things you can do.  Now that don't mean you go out and try to climb Mount Everest or try rock climbing or something else that is your physical ability.  We do have to apply good sense when it comes to things like that.  Most people pass up the lifestyle they could have because they never have enough money to do those things or live the lifestyle that they read about others who have wealth live.  It's about time that you open that door to the lifestyle you hear, see and read about.  Kyani experience more, better health more wealth.  Download the Team Fusion app and enter the referral code (trueventure) to watch the short webinar video to learn more about the opportunity available to you.


There are those who create and there are those who buy. The one who creates opens the door to achieve wealth.  The ones who buys helps the one who creates become wealthy.  If you are a buyer don't get angry at the person who creates.  There is a way that you as a buyer can create wealth or gain wealth by buying.  Kyani experience more.  Better health more wealth and freedom.  down load the team fusion app and open log in with the referral code (trueventure) and start building your wealth.   Watch the short webinar video.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Make Your Money Work For You

Have we been so deeply conditioned to working to make money, that we no longer even try to make the we work for work for us.  Some people work two and three jobs, just to make ends meet. But only to find out that they must repeat the cycle over and over and yet never have enough no matter how many times or how long it never works out.  Well plan and simple if you continue to doing the same thing nothing will change.   Time does not stop for anyone, the longer you wait the longer it will take.  You have to change before anything else will change.  Here is a simple way to make your money start working for you.  Health products is a billion dollar business.  There are so many people who spend tons of money on health products in exchange for good health.  So they go to stores or order online products to keep them healthy.  But what if there was a way for you to make money off what you already spend on health products.  Three products that will help you stay healthy and also put money back into your bank account.  Does such a place exist?  Yes it does and that company is Kyani.  Kyani changes lives allows millions of everyday people to experience more.  Better health more wealth.  Live the life you always wanted to live.  Start owing your time and money and stop letting your time, money and job own you.  You have tried it your way, now try the Kyani way. Download the Team Fusion app for google play store or apple. Sign in as guest to watch the short webinar. Enter referral code (trueventure).  Time for change starts now.