Good Health Is King

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

What Money Can Do

With money it can allow people to do and buy many things?  But there are things that money can't buy.  Love and happiness, now it may get you or buy you something that looks and acts like love and happiness, but the question you have to ask yourself is it true love and happiness.  Now some will say that type of love and happiness is just as great and can live with it.  But for those who desire to have the real deal and nothing but real love and happiness look a likes wont do.  But money does make paying bills or buying things more easy. Having a lot of money frees you from having to worry if you have enough to buy a good meal after you done paid all your other bills.  The only one that is more satisfying than money is Jesus.  Nothing in this world can ever take His place, but some folks will try and prove this wrong and I say go right ahead and try.  But as for me and others we know and believe that nothing else can compare.  But God gives us the ability to have wealth, so folks choose to not have wealth, they are happy with what they have and that is fine, as long as they are not having to live pay check to pay, week after week month after month year after year.  If you are living this way and looking for a change, your change is here. click this link and start letting your money work for you.  Http://

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