Good Health Is King

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Kyani Health 2

Kyani Health

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Joy Of Life

The joy of life is what you make it, how you think and what you believe.  From the very moment you awake you have a choice on how you will start your day.  Even if you hear thunder and lightening or the hard sound of rain hitting against your window, you are the one that determines to express joy, gloom or any other kind of emotion.  It is an ongoing process throughout the day, because there will always be things before you to make you feel less than what you are.  You are joy and hope for those who are lost, you are light to those in darkness. Even when you are off the mark there are others who are on the right step can get you back in step.  We must learn to train and control how we act and react to the things that go around us.   Even in the mist of sorrow the joy of life continues.   Understand that the Lord gave us all that is needed He gave Himself.

Are You There Yet

Friday, July 1, 2016

$$$$ To Stay Health

Would you like to get paid for staying healthy? How is that you say? Well Kyani is the answer. Three health care products that helps to stay healthy. By you becoming a business partner you can earn an income for your purchase as well. As you share these wonderful products with others as business partners or clients, your income will grow. How many people do you know spend money each month on health products? Do the store or company pay them? Does it make better sense to at least make money back from what is already being spent? To learn more download the Team Fusion app, once you open sign in using the referral code trueventure. It's time you get paid for staying healthy.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Hard Work

Have you ever found yourself, doing something over and over, but no matter how hard you tried or how hard you worked, you end up right back doing it all over again?  Hard work but it pays.  Just like most people do day after day week after week month after month year after year.  Some well most people enjoy this process, but there are the few who wish they could do the hard work one time and continue to get paid off the work they done.  That what we call residual income, do the hard work once and not only get paid for your effort, but also get paid for helping others do the same.  So instead of getting paid for the work you do, wouldn't it be nice to help others and share what you know?  Like teaching someone how to ride a bike for the first time, but after you teach them, you earn a income from them learning, sharing and teaching others how to ride a bike while they also earn a income, and the process continues.  The more you teach to ride the more income you earn.  Well we have the done for you business model that simplifies how you can earn the lifestyle and freedom you always be looking for.  Hard work but once you learn the system teaching others will be just like when you first learned to ride a bike.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


As to being one who lives for and follows our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is not our assignment to condemn anyone to hell.  The word says he that wins souls is wise.  None of us have the power nor the keys to put anyone anywhere.  Our part is to love and pray for each other as well as our enemy.  It is the sin in all of us that causes us to do wrong.  Even the worst among us can be forgiven.  As believers we are suppose to hate the sin not the person,  after all were we not in the same condition before we gave our lives to the Lord.  God has no respect of person, so who are we to be any different? Since Jesus died for everyone how can we think that it is up to us to determine who goes or don't go to heaven?  Is it not His will that any should perish?.  Can any of us know the beginning to the end, do any of us have all seeing eyes, do any of us control time.  There is only one God who has all power and He is the one that is in control.  We must only do what He have commanded us to do nothing more nothing less.