Good Health Is King

Thursday, May 12, 2016


As to being one who lives for and follows our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is not our assignment to condemn anyone to hell.  The word says he that wins souls is wise.  None of us have the power nor the keys to put anyone anywhere.  Our part is to love and pray for each other as well as our enemy.  It is the sin in all of us that causes us to do wrong.  Even the worst among us can be forgiven.  As believers we are suppose to hate the sin not the person,  after all were we not in the same condition before we gave our lives to the Lord.  God has no respect of person, so who are we to be any different? Since Jesus died for everyone how can we think that it is up to us to determine who goes or don't go to heaven?  Is it not His will that any should perish?.  Can any of us know the beginning to the end, do any of us have all seeing eyes, do any of us control time.  There is only one God who has all power and He is the one that is in control.  We must only do what He have commanded us to do nothing more nothing less.

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