Good Health Is King

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Is it just me or does anyone else notice that our government is getting bigger and bigger.  Does anyone else realize that the more power and control we give them the less we have as individuals.  Political leaders have gotten full of them self and they no longer work for us, but we find our self working for them.  Now I know that government does play a role in our lives.  But they have the mind set that they know more better than we do on how we should live our life.  I served my country but whats going on now is greater than most people realize.  They are now telling us what we should eat, what we can and can't do.  A power left unchecked for so long has created a world of division.  People wake up and see what is going on in America before its too late. Freedom is under attack.  Get involved and understand whats at risk stand up or be ran over. Remind the Government that work for us and they represent us and not themselves. 

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