Well first off, I give God all the glory. He is the greatest provider. For those who visit my blog you will find articles of a wide range. I will try to talk about the things that we deal with in life from day to day. When you read the paper or look at the news, things are happening both good and bad, and the bad seem to spread far faster than the good. It makes one think that there is more evil going on than good. Now life without Jesus is much harder than living for him. He gives us a better understanding about the world we live in.
Now you may see I have posted information and youtube videos about coffee. Coffee can be a something to help you relax. But the best way to relax is to spend time with you and the Lord, sit and have a conversation, tell him all that's on your mind, he will understand. But when you need a something to drink remember coffee is a great way to bring things down. What is the cause for many of the problems that we see going on it is very simple SIN. Now what does coffee have to do with any of this? Nothing when it comes to sin, coffee is my business a way that I earn a living. Everything was made by God and without him nothing would exist. Even when we face the most difficult times in life, Jesus can calm the storm. Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. God's love in unconditional it has no limits, and as the bible says God is love, not the love defined by webster or any other dictionary.
If we define love the way God's says life takes on a whole new meaning. His love never fails, it never says no even when we fall short. His mercy is ever lasting and endure through all generation. Sometimes we have to just laugh and sometimes shake our heads. Nothing that happens in this world should come as strange to us. It is written in his word how things will be and what is to come. We have to let go and let God be God for he know all things. See life through the eyes of God.
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