Good Health Is King

Monday, April 25, 2016

Everyone Has Value

Everyone has value, no matter how the size all is just as important.  Too many times we tend to look down on people because the world has said that their talent or skill is nothing.  Every person has something about them that makes them just as valuable as the next person.  Remember there is only one you, even if someone looks and acts like you they can never be you.  That makes everyone special no matter who are what you are.  Within yourself is something great and only you have what you have, other people may have the same, but remember there is only one you.  You have value, you are one of a kind.  When you were born it was not a mistake, there is a reason for everyone being here.  Everything and everyone has a place and you have a place that only you can fill. Never allow others to look down on you or what you do.  You have value.

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