Good Health Is King

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Fault The Actions Not The Person

Have you ever done something wrong, and seem like the whole world came down on you like a ton of bricks. Have you ever felt like you did something so stupid that people never let you forget, they remind you always over and over again.  Even label you because of your thinking or actions.  Well I think we have all have.  Someone does something crazy and call them stupid, I think most of us only mean the action or the thought stupid, but not the person.  But there are those who label the person as stupid or crazy and nothing they can do to change it, because everyone sees them that way.  But all must understand that we should fault the actions not the person.  We all from time to time do something stupid, crazy or say something that is out there.  Many times we blame the person rather than the actions of the person.  Some people just more often than others keep making mistakes or doing crazy things.  But truly it is the actions and thoughts not the person.  Love them still, let them know that we all have our moments.  But we would not enjoy being labeled for life for the things we say and do wrong.  Fault the actions and not the person.

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