Good Health Is King

Saturday, March 24, 2012

When Does Forever Start

Well I am just sitting here and this thought came to my mind, when does forever start.  Well after our time here on Earth is over, after we have taken our last breath, is when forever starts.  Now for those not of the faith, think that once they die that's it.  Well for their sake, I can only say this, enjoy life. But just in case you are wrong, then my heart goes out to you.  When you really take a good look at life I mean really get an understanding of everything about life, you can't help but wonder is there more to it.  I believe in God's word and that every word He spoke is true, and it shall all come to pass. 

In order to justify our action is a none believer is to believe that there is no God, that way you have no guilty about the things you did and didn't do in this life.  But I say this everything made had to have a maker.  Things just don't make them self.  Now either way as a believer or a non believer forever will star, and once it does start you have forever to think about it.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Until We See Wrong

Until we see wrong within us, right does not matter.  No one can force any of us to do what we don't want to do.  Even with a loaded gun pointed at our head, the choice is still ours.  It may cost us our life, but still the choice is ours.  Each of us should know and understand the difference between right in wrong.  Now I know there may be a lot of gray areas these days.  But everything before God is in black or white, there are no in between.  He said either we are for him or against him.  His ways are above ours and so is His ways. 

He does not force us to make decision to love Him, it's our free well to choose to love Him.  As I look at like and the things we do as people is so funny and sad at the same time.  We are so hard headed and stuck on doing what is right in our own eyes, and no one can tell us different.  Until we acknowledge and understand when we are wrong, someone telling us whats right just want make sense. 

We have grown accustom to doing whatever pleases us, that doing what God ask rubs us the wrong way.  If God's plan is not in sink with our plan, we don't want no part of it. But the funny thing about it is this. He is already in Heaven, we are the ones trying to get there.  And the plan that He made for us to get there has not changed.  Now I know a lot of us try to change the plan, but once we realize that Jesus is not buying it, we will fall in line.  Until we see wrong within our self  His right will not matter.

What's Going On

What's going on?  Well a lot of things are going on, here in the world, things that we like and love, and things that we don't like and love.  But never the less things are going on.  As I look read and hear about what's going on, I wonder if we really understand the impact. I have a very deep concern about the state that we are in, and the direction that we are heading.

Now as you may already have known based on my other post that I am Christian, and it makes up who I am and what I believe.  I try to be practical and logical in life, if it does not pass the common sense test then I tend to leave it a long.  Now what may be common to me, may not be common to other.  But in general I think we all have the same common sense with the basic things in life.

History is always has and always will be a good teacher to what in the future.  If we fail to consider the pass we subject to make great errors ahead.  The two things that we try not to talk about most, religion and politics. So I am going to talk about them both.  As far as religion goes, our religion is man made and could be many things, but one thing for sure it is not God.  God is about relationship and it's root foundation is love for God is love.  And other form of love fall short of God's love. Now you can look up the definition and you will find all kinds of meaning.  But the Bible tells me that God is love and that's the greatest love of all.

Our politics and religion has done a great job in dividing us, both are self serving, religion is not pure, it embraces the ideals of man, religion took Jesus to the cross, because they did not understand who He was and He did not agree with there way of life.  They (religion) or religious people saw Jesus as someone messing up their game.  They had their way of life and understand and in He comes and tells them they are wrong.  Now after living that we for so long, and for someone to come and tell them different, oh my.  God has always want a relationship with us, not our religion, because my religion brings on confusion and misunderstanding.

Politics is about money and the power can control of man over man.  Politics does not solve problems but creates problems just like religion.  The heart of man is deceitful and can be evil, that's right evil.  If you look around our Government has taken advantage of us and will continue to do so, if we continue to believe that the Government can do whatever it want to do.  People what is the Government, they are people just like you and I.  Just because they have  degree in Law or basket weaving does not make them all knowing.

Do you really trust them that much.  God says trust no man, you know its true, I can't even trust myself, because I will lie to save myself, because the flesh I'm in is self seeking and only looks to please it's self. God knew that it's not good for man to rule over man.  He never wanted us to have a king, but he allowed us to do it, because of free will.  Government has it's place but if we continue to sell out to people in government we are heading off the cliff.  I say this with great conviction we better wake up and see man (people) for who they really are.  If they are not living a godly life following Christ we are following the blind.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Without Love

Would there be any meaning to life if it was lived without love? Could only caring for a person be enough to cover all that we go through.  Would just knowing that someone care be enough for a person to marry. How about only liking a person or just having a deep feeling or something close to that.  Would we be better off without love.  Does love matters any more.

Would having sex be just as good for those who desire something more be good enough.  When you are with a person that you call your soul mate, would just being friends be enough to for you to spend a life time with.  Is there something else better than love.  Does any one even care anymore about love.  Has love become just a thing of the pass, and it is no longer a requirement when it comes to a relationship. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Love Is A Choice

Love is a choice, we choose to love or not love, it is not based, on  emotions or a condition, because these things change for many reason.  Our emotions and conditions are not engraved in stone.  Our emotions can change from one day to the next. One day we are happy, the next day we are sad.

Now if I am happy I would have you close, but if I am sad then I don't want you near me.  Conditions change just like emotions.  When you first buy a car the conditions are new, but after a few months or years the conditions change.  It's no longer new but used and it also still gets you where you want to go.

Now what we must understand is this sometime we equate love for people the same way we do for love on things.  Like our car, boat, house and the list goes on and on. Now when it comes to our care the manual says for us to service it according to maker.  So you can get the value of your purchase.  Change the oil every three thousand miles, rotate the tires and do other services to keep it in good condition.

Love need service to when it comes to people.  People need repair just like cars do, but people are a lot more complicated than a car.  Because we hear if they love me they wouldn't have done this or that. Well if your car loved you it wouldn't have broke down either.  But every now and then things go wrong things happen, and we have to take the car to the shop or fix it our self.  You don't give up on the car, you have grown to love it more now than the day you bought it.  You take care of it and it take care of you, gets you where you need to be.

Now as I said love is a choice, we choose who and how we love each other.  Now there are many kinds of loves out there.  But the love I am talking about is pure love, love unconditional, God's love.  For God is love, and because He loved us so much that He gave his only begotten Son.  Not based on emotions or conditions, because face it as people we are a mess.

We are up one day done the next, and our human love fails us in so many way, but when we learn to love in the same way that Jesus loved us, now we are on the right path.  Because His love never fails, it will always be there no matter what.  When we do wrong He loves us and correct us, or should I say repair us, because we break down like cars, and need to go to the shop to get fixed.  Because God gave us a free will we choose to do the things we do.  No one can force you to do anything, you have a choice to do it or not even if it is doing something wrong.

We choose to love each other.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Help Us Lord

I just looked at a blog where the person says that they are gay and christian.  Now that could very well be true in their mind.  But has God all of a sudden changed His mind when He said that I am the same yesterday, today and forever, that He change not. 

Now this is what I was saying when I wrote about we are first.  The church has to be right before the people of this world get right.  Now one hundred percent God loves us all.  For God so loved the world that He gave is only begotten Son.  But does that mean that I can remain living a sinful life just because He loves me. 

In the book of Roman He speaks about man sleeping with man, and woman with woman.  And He says that it is not good, its wrong its sin. So how can anyone today say it's alright to be that way.   Listen if I were a bank robber before I got saved, is it right for me to keep on robbing banks after I give my life to Christ.  I don't think so, after He forgave the woman at the well, He said go and sin no more. 

To me that says it all, whatever sin I was in before I gave my life, I should not continue to keep doing.  Is it a struggle, you better believe it will.  But because His Spirit lives in me and is there to keep me, I have been given the power to overcome it.  Now this person says that they are married to another man and that God is not concerned about his sexuality.

This person truly believe that he has the fruit of the spirit, that he is blessed beyond measure.  This is why God said that my people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge.  All I can say is that I pray that this person will one day understand that God hates sin.  Our flesh is at war with the spirit, we want to do good, but evil is always present. Paul spent much of his time correcting those who were wrong.  And Jesus did the same He wants His church right.

Because He loves us, He wants us to become who He wants us to be, not for us to remain as we are.  We are the ones that has to change.  He is on the throne not us, He is God and we are to follow Him not Him following us. He does not follow our ways, but we are to follow His ways.  Our thoughts must get in line with His thoughts.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

We Are First

To all my brothers and sisters in Christ, we must live the life.  Don't think it to be strange that you find yourself being tried.  For those who live a Godly life shall face the hardness of life from those who live according to the deeds of the flesh. Even we our selves war against each other, because we yield our minds to things that are not of God.  We seem to have the hardest time receiving correction from each other.

We are going to first be judged.  It begins with us and we are the ones who suppose to set the standard.  Not the world.  For God ways are higher than the ways of man, and so is His thoughts.  We must strive to walk in the Spirit, we must walk by faith and not by sight. As we follow Christ let them follow us.

Remember whatever you are going through you are able to handle, because He said He would not put more on us than we can bare.  In this world there are those who do not fully understand that this life of Christ is not about religion, it is about relationship.  It is about gaining a full understanding of who Jesus is, and what He has done for us. Even those who don't believe, He still paid the price for them.  We must live the life before them, love them and understand that we were just as lost as they are.

The church which is us, must get right first, before we expect the people of this world to follow.  We must first love each other in the way that God require of us.  If the world see us acting no different than they are acting why should they stop.  We must return to doing His will, His way.  We have been bought with a price, we are no longer the owner of our lives.

Let us get right, and when they see that we are right, they will fellow.  Forgiveness and mercy will always catch us when we fall short.  We are striving day by day.  Learn to trust the Lord in all things, from small to great.  Even when you don't see it believe it as you pray for it.  Faith is the substance of things hope for the evidence of things not seen.  God will never fail.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Today as I woke up and looked out the window, I thought to myself wow what a wonderful day.  The Sun was shining full and bright, what a reason to start the day right.  I took a morning shower got all nice and clean for those morning people you know what I mean.

Cook a good breakfast eggs , bacon and milk with a nice cup of coffee to top it off.  I just washed the car the day before, I hear the sound of music as I started the engine.  I let up the garage door and back on out, wave to the neighbor and say what a wonderful day. 

So far all the the choices I've made are nice and clear, now if only it would last through out the year.  Stop at the light, as it goes from red to green. It's my turn as it would seem.  Put my foot on the gas ease of the brake, but what just happen is not a mistake. 

As the drive of the car was running late, he thought he could make it has he put his foot on the gas. But what happen next you may find hard to believe, put as I awoke legs gone at the knees.  How could this be, everything was going right.  But because of his choice I have sleepless nights.  I can't allow this, this can't go on, Lord I need your help to keep me strong. 

Listen people, we can make all the right decisions in the world, but we are not alone.  Other people make choices both good and bad, many think it only effects them, but oh how sad.  Read a store in the paper, about someone first time, going to the bank to start an account, but on that same day, because of hard time, someone decided to rob the very same bank. 

As the person standing in line approached the counter, in he ran pointing his gun.  Finger on the trigger he screams and shouts, Oh whats going on as a bullets flies out.  The bullets hits the person standing in line, as they about to open their account for the very first time. 

The choice we make does effect each other one way or the other.  Not everyone understands that bad choices can ruin a good choice.  We all need to think about the choices we make. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Day We Live

A day we live and a day we will die, if you think you will live forever go ahead and try.  Every time we exhale subtracts from the time we have left.  For those who know the Lord, do not fear death because we know there is a better life after we leave.  This life is temporary, we are only here for a little while, but where we are going we will be there forever. 

With our free will we have a choice to either believe or don't believe.  Now for them that believe not, they believe nothing is lost, here today but gone tomorrow.  But for those who don't believe I ask you this, what if you are wrong, then what?.  See for me as a believer to live and find nothing, I've lost nothing, because I will have lived to please God.

 He has commanded us to love each other and to do unto him as I will do to myself and to love my neighbor as myself.   But to die without believing  and find out there is a God, is far worst than them that believe and find no God.  There is an old saying better safe than sorry, than to say I'm sorry not safe.  A day we live a day we will die.

Who Is Man

Who is man?. Who is man that he thinks he has it all together, and that he is in control of everything.  Who is man that he believes that he can pass laws in order to maintain control.  Is man so perfect in all his ways that he can live in peace with each other.  Is man so self centered that he knows better than anyone else, and that anyone else is God. 

Who is man that he thinks he is so smart and so high and he knows it all.  Who is man to believe that they can rule over man.  How far will man go before man realize that he has been deceived. Do man really believe that he knows better than God,  and that the ways of man or perfect and that as long as he make laws everything will work out just fine.  Let's be honest if man really could, wouldn't he have done it long before now, are does he still needs time. 

There is and never will be enough time because nothing man can do will stop each other from destroying each other.  No matter how many laws you pass there will always be someone that will break it.  The man cannot control man, there will always be one that will over power the other, man will always be at war.  That's why need need Jesus, He is the only one that can deal with man.  Man will always fail.  If man continues to believe and lie to self, it only leads to destruction at a faster rate.  Who is man? just that a man.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The State of America

As I look around I notice that we live in  a fractured America, Politicians have caused a great divide within our country.  The Republicans against the Democrats, and we the people are used to war against one another.  As these two party fight to maintain control and power, who is it that really is getting overlooked and abused.

 They use we the people as pawns to battle each other just so they can make laws and regulations to control us.  They always seem do just enough to hush us or throw little tokens out just so we will take our eyes off whats really going on.  Every last one of them will come out rich, if they are not there already.  While we fight with each other, have you ever notice that they still drink and party together at the end of the day.  They pretend to fight against each other, and I might add they do a good job at it.  We have been used and they know their using us, and laugh at us.

They know how to say all the things we want to hear but never deliver, and when they do give something to us, know and understand that they took more than they gave.  It is to the point where we the people fear the government.  They got us just where they want us.  When we catch on to the game they counter us by acting like they are with us they understand us.  But behind close doors they do the same old dirty deeds they always been doing.  They find ways to keep us divided and fight each other.

 Now are their some who really want to serve the people, yes.  But they don't have the power to do much, so they fall in line.  As long as we continue to let them play us, they will do just that play us. And man they are good at playing us. Take a look around you look how we are fighting each other.  We are the cast and they are the producers. Lights, camera, action.


What brings you joy? And if the very thing that brings you joy left, would you still have joy.  Is your joy a material thing, such as your car, house or cloths.  Is your joy your husband or wife? My joy comes from the Lord, a joy that will always be there and never fades away.  Each day that I live brings a new joy and strength.  Is your joy based on how you feel, or do your joy rely on how the day starts.  If there is no Sunshine and the clouds is gray and its pouring down rain, would that take your joy away.  If your team lost would you also lose your joy.  Its your choice, we are the ones that determine how our day will be.  If you allow others to dictate your emotions and feelings, then who is in control them or you.