I just looked at a blog where the person says that they are gay and christian. Now that could very well be true in their mind. But has God all of a sudden changed His mind when He said that I am the same yesterday, today and forever, that He change not.
Now this is what I was saying when I wrote about we are first. The church has to be right before the people of this world get right. Now one hundred percent God loves us all. For God so loved the world that He gave is only begotten Son. But does that mean that I can remain living a sinful life just because He loves me.
In the book of Roman He speaks about man sleeping with man, and woman with woman. And He says that it is not good, its wrong its sin. So how can anyone today say it's alright to be that way. Listen if I were a bank robber before I got saved, is it right for me to keep on robbing banks after I give my life to Christ. I don't think so, after He forgave the woman at the well, He said go and sin no more.
To me that says it all, whatever sin I was in before I gave my life, I should not continue to keep doing. Is it a struggle, you better believe it will. But because His Spirit lives in me and is there to keep me, I have been given the power to overcome it. Now this person says that they are married to another man and that God is not concerned about his sexuality.
This person truly believe that he has the fruit of the spirit, that he is blessed beyond measure. This is why God said that my people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge. All I can say is that I pray that this person will one day understand that God hates sin. Our flesh is at war with the spirit, we want to do good, but evil is always present. Paul spent much of his time correcting those who were wrong. And Jesus did the same He wants His church right.
Because He loves us, He wants us to become who He wants us to be, not for us to remain as we are. We are the ones that has to change. He is on the throne not us, He is God and we are to follow Him not Him following us. He does not follow our ways, but we are to follow His ways. Our thoughts must get in line with His thoughts.
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