What's going on? Well a lot of things are going on, here in the world, things that we like and love, and things that we don't like and love. But never the less things are going on. As I look read and hear about what's going on, I wonder if we really understand the impact. I have a very deep concern about the state that we are in, and the direction that we are heading.
Now as you may already have known based on my other post that I am Christian, and it makes up who I am and what I believe. I try to be practical and logical in life, if it does not pass the common sense test then I tend to leave it a long. Now what may be common to me, may not be common to other. But in general I think we all have the same common sense with the basic things in life.
History is always has and always will be a good teacher to what in the future. If we fail to consider the pass we subject to make great errors ahead. The two things that we try not to talk about most, religion and politics. So I am going to talk about them both. As far as religion goes, our religion is man made and could be many things, but one thing for sure it is not God. God is about relationship and it's root foundation is love for God is love. And other form of love fall short of God's love. Now you can look up the definition and you will find all kinds of meaning. But the Bible tells me that God is love and that's the greatest love of all.
Our politics and religion has done a great job in dividing us, both are self serving, religion is not pure, it embraces the ideals of man, religion took Jesus to the cross, because they did not understand who He was and He did not agree with there way of life. They (religion) or religious people saw Jesus as someone messing up their game. They had their way of life and understand and in He comes and tells them they are wrong. Now after living that we for so long, and for someone to come and tell them different, oh my. God has always want a relationship with us, not our religion, because my religion brings on confusion and misunderstanding.
Politics is about money and the power can control of man over man. Politics does not solve problems but creates problems just like religion. The heart of man is deceitful and can be evil, that's right evil. If you look around our Government has taken advantage of us and will continue to do so, if we continue to believe that the Government can do whatever it want to do. People what is the Government, they are people just like you and I. Just because they have degree in Law or basket weaving does not make them all knowing.
Do you really trust them that much. God says trust no man, you know its true, I can't even trust myself, because I will lie to save myself, because the flesh I'm in is self seeking and only looks to please it's self. God knew that it's not good for man to rule over man. He never wanted us to have a king, but he allowed us to do it, because of free will. Government has it's place but if we continue to sell out to people in government we are heading off the cliff. I say this with great conviction we better wake up and see man (people) for who they really are. If they are not living a godly life following Christ we are following the blind.
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