Good Health Is King

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Day We Live

A day we live and a day we will die, if you think you will live forever go ahead and try.  Every time we exhale subtracts from the time we have left.  For those who know the Lord, do not fear death because we know there is a better life after we leave.  This life is temporary, we are only here for a little while, but where we are going we will be there forever. 

With our free will we have a choice to either believe or don't believe.  Now for them that believe not, they believe nothing is lost, here today but gone tomorrow.  But for those who don't believe I ask you this, what if you are wrong, then what?.  See for me as a believer to live and find nothing, I've lost nothing, because I will have lived to please God.

 He has commanded us to love each other and to do unto him as I will do to myself and to love my neighbor as myself.   But to die without believing  and find out there is a God, is far worst than them that believe and find no God.  There is an old saying better safe than sorry, than to say I'm sorry not safe.  A day we live a day we will die.

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